Cassandra LohVP Partnership & Solutions at Intellect

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Cassandra Loh is the VP of Partnerships and Solutions at Intellect. She has been working in the healthcare space for the last decade. She believes we should take a proactive approach in caring for our mental wellbeing and it's excited to journey with Intellect to make this version a reality. Her experience in the healthcare, Insurance and employee benefit space puts her in a strategic position to balance this vision with actionable solutions.
She is also a mother of 2 young children, and relates well to the constant tension in balancing her professional and personal demands. As the VP of Partnerships and Solutions, she looks forward to building a strong and inclusive ecosystem with like-minded stakeholders.
She is also always looking for creative and measurable solutions with her team of OD specialists to advance the mission of Intellect. Cassandra holds a Masters in Communications Management, and has a Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling Psychology.

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