Dr. Patrice PiolaMedical Director, Vietnam & Cambodia - International SOS

Dr. Patrice PIOLA is a Medical Doctor with 25 years of international experience (Africa, Asia, and Europe), often  in the management of medical programs or operational research units.  

He holds both a Master and a PhD in Epidemiology. After 6 years of humanitarian fieldwork with Doctors Without  Borders, he led and coordinated for 7 years a research centre in Uganda where he conducted regional phase II,  III and IV clinical trials. Those trials included antimalaria drug registration and/or guideline-changing trials with strict  ISO monitoring, most of which were presented in international seminars. 

His practice of global languages (French, English, and Spanish) allowed him to easily work in several countries.  He had a scientific position at Oxford University, UK, for over three years before leading the Epidemiology Unit of  the Pasteur Institute in Madagascar, followed by the Epidemiology Unit in Cambodia, all with an emphasis on high  burden diseases, especially malaria. Several projects involved leading large multidisciplinary teams. 

He is a long-time adept in computer programming to develop tailored tools for processing complex health data into  decision-making indicators.  

Patrice’s broad international experience translated into a passion for innovation to improve health standards and  outcomes at individual and population levels.

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