WEBINAR: Foreign-invested company incorporation in Vietnam under the new regulation
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This webinar will be held from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. (GMT+7)
Vietnam has been making rapid development and becoming the investment destination of foreign investors coming from various parts of the world. Apart from the numerous business opportunities, abundant resources, inexpensive workforce, the Vietnamese government has always been welcoming to foreign direct investment and encourages it by constantly renewing regulations and providing foreign investment incentives.
In collaboration with Fidinam, CCIFV would like to invite you to attend this special Webinar to gain insights into the notable changes of the Law on Investment 2020 and Law on Enterprise 2020 affecting the incorporation and operation of foreign-owned companies in Vietnam.
Our experts will share knowledge, focusing particularly on:
I. The legal procedure to set up a Foreign Invested Company (FIC) in Vietnam, including the interesting contents such as legal procedure for the incorporation of a FIC; Information on industries require the involvement of Vietnamese partners, company types and other commercial presence which the foreign investors can open in Vietnam, etc.
II. Substantial changes of Law on Investment 2020 and Law on Enterprise 2020
1. Law on Enterprise 2020 :
- Capital contribution
- Responsibility of multiple Legal Representatives
- Company Seal
- Abolishment of control board/controller requirement
- Payment for capital transfer transaction
- Shortening time limit for prior notice of temporary business suspension
- Minority shareholder protection
- Bond offering
2. Law on Investment 2020
- Negative list, including the list of restricted sectors applicable for foreign investor and list of business with conditional market access
- Changes in requirements for M&A approvals
- Forced termination of projects due to sham transaction
- Investment incentives
III. A practical case
What you will learn
- Procedure to set up a foreign-invested company under the new regulations
- Notable changes of the new Law on Investment and Law on Enterprises
WEBINAR: Foreign-invested company incorporation in Vietnam under the new regulation
Event ended.