Marianne WlassewitchBpifrance area Manager for ASEAN, based in Singapore

She is responsible for representing all business lines of Bpifrance – French Public Investment Bank & Export Credit Agency in South-East Asia: financing, innovation, private equity, funds of funds and export finance activities. Her goal is to support French companies with international ambitions and explore with them the best options among public support offered by Bpifrance and its partners, with a focus on developing new export finance solutions patterned for SMEs and Mid-Caps. Graduate of SKEMA Business School, she benefits from a thirteen-year experience in accompanying companies in their investments, innovation and international projects. After a first position with ALTRAN (Foundation for Innovation), she joined OSEO in 2006, which was merged into Bpifrance in 2012. She was VP of a Junior Chamber International French office from 2012 to 2016. She also had academic activities from 2013 to 2016.