Meeting & Exchange
HCMC: Myths vs. ground reality or what makes leadership coaching work
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The overall purpose of this Breakfast Talk is to “Communicate in an energizing and non-judgmental way to build purposeful and compassionate leaders as I help them reconcile with their truest self." Purpose and compassion (we will define what we mean) are in our view more required than ever given the amount of pressure individuals and organisations are likely to continue experiencing in the foreseeable future. How can we at our level bring those notions into teams and leader’s ways of functioning? How can we combine drive, pressure and yet offer alternatives to leaders so that they “Don’t ever leave your truest self behind...” is we are after in this conversation.
Developing people’s leadership capacity has always been a topic; it is arguably even more crucial now given today’s reality and the impact on the ways we functioned till now within the working environment. Coaching has been a privilege of the top execs despite being the most effective way to support and challenge managers to evolve; how can the impact be broadened to impact the entire organization in a shorter amount of time?
Given the themes covered above,
- we will engage the audience in a reflection around a few questions related to each chosen themes,
- gather wisdom coming from the group,
- bring in some a few perspectives gathered through experiences with global leadership development organisations (ex: IMD, CCL, Insead, …).
The intention is to create a relaxed and fun learning and sharing environment around the “change” topic one that is required today and can bring significant value and increased well-being into organizations.
What you will learn:
- We will hopefully challenge some commonly accepted beliefs around coaching and boosting one’s leadership capacity.
- A few angles or approaches to maximise the chances to elevate someone’s leadership
- Leadership capacity evolution can be measured objectively?
- The role that the ecosystem around the leader can play in the shift process and why this is a critical role.

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HCMC: Myths vs. ground reality or what makes leadership coaching work
Event ended.