Gala and evenings  •  Exceptional event

"Trophées CCI France International 2022"

Pavillon d’Armenonville, Allée de Longchamp, 75116 Paris
See on map

For members only

Price: CCIFV members
- 180€ excl. tax price per unit + VAT 20
- 1800€ excl. tax price for a table of 10 seats + VAT 20%.

- 220€ excl. tax unit price + 20% VAT
- 2000€ excl. tax price for a table of 10 seats + 20% VAT


Event ended.

On Monday 27 June 2022, CCI France International, the organisation which groups all the French CCIs in the world and to which we belong, is organising a unique event which you can attend as a member of our chamber:


The event takes place at the Pavillon d'Armenonville, Allée de Longchamp, 75116 Paris from 7pm.


This evening will be a unique networking opportunity with over 500 participants:

  • representatives of more than 60 Franco-foreign business communities
  • + more than 200 companies
  • public and private players in international business support.
  • The participants will be divided into tables of companies or thematic tables "countries" or "groups of countries".


As a member of the CCI France Vietnam you will benefit from a preferential rate:

  • Individual registration: 180€ instead of 220€ HT
  • Table of 10 people: 1 800€HT instead of 2 000€HT

You are not a member of the CCIFV and you wish to participate to this exceptional evening?Register here


Event Location

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