
Français du Monde Vietnam: the Avenir Pro program for the professional integration of young graduates

Faced with the challenges of professional integration for young people from French institutions in Vietnam, the association Français du Monde Vietnam is committed to building bridges between these talents and local French businesses through the Avenir Pro program.

Supporting the future of young graduates from French institutions in Vietnam 

Each year, around fifteen young graduates from French institutions in Vietnam find themselves without a clear path to continue their studies or enter the job market. To address this situation, Français du Monde Vietnam (FDM Vietnam) join forces to provide them with concrete professional opportunities through Avenir Pro. 

A structured project to facilitate integration 

The Avenir Pro program is designed to create a direct link between these young talents and French companies established in Vietnam. Through immersive internships and tailored training programs, participants develop their skills while contributing their energy and linguistic abilities (French, English, Vietnamese) to partner companies. The project particularly targets key sectors such as hospitality, catering, tourism, sales, and services. 

A win-win commitment for businesses 

By participating in Avenir Pro, French companies are not only helping these young professionals integrate into the workforce but also strengthening their corporate image and social responsibility. By welcoming these young talents for internships or apprenticeships, they gain access to a pool of multicultural professionals trained in the French education system, while also demonstrating their support for the French community in Vietnam. 

An evolving framework for skill recognition 

Beyond immediate integration, FDM Vietnam is working with French institutions to enhance the system of Recognition of Prior Learning (VAE). The goal is to enable young French expatriates to validate their skills and obtain diplomas without the requirement of residing in France, thus improving their employability on an international scale. 

Through Avenir Pro, FDM Vietnam show that the professional integration of young people is a major challenge that can also be turned into an opportunity, benefiting both young talents and French businesses in Vietnam. 

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the association: emma.cazenave(@) ; jaime.peypoch(@)


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