HN: Reflet: Dance show by The French Institute !
As a hybrid and mixed show at the crossroads of contemporary dance, hiphop, roller skating and visual arts, Reflet takes the audience into a minimalist and sensory universe.
Weightless on his rollerblades, Xuan LE, freestyle slalom champion, takes us into an intense and meditative flow of energy, questioning us about our origins and the relationship we weave with movement in life.
The journey continues with the artist Shihya PENG in a duo which questions the duality of being in a poetic language carried by the fragility of the bodies that meet. Between the search for balance and inner exploration, the viewer is invited to the heart of an initiatory and emotional journey where tangible dialogue with the immaterial. In a sharing of sinuosities and subtle gestures, the two dancers provoke an encounter with the other, but also a face to face with oneself.
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HN: Reflet: Dance show by The French Institute !
Event ended.